2,126 research outputs found

    Tool-Path Problem in Direct Energy Deposition Metal-Additive Manufacturing: Sequence Strategy Generation

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    The tool-path problem has been extensively studied in manufacturing technologies, as it has a considerable impact on production time. Additive manufacturing is one of these technologies; it takes time to fabricate parts, so the selection of optimal tool-paths is critical. This research analyzes the tool-path problem in the direct energy deposition technology; it introduces the main processes, and analyzes the characteristics of tool-path problem. It explains the approaches applied in the literature to solve the problem; as these are mainly geometric approximations, they are far from optimal. Based on this analysis, this paper introduces a mathematical framework for direct energy deposition and a novel problem called sequence strategy generation. Finally, it solves the problem using a benchmark for several different parts. The results reveal that the approach can be applied to parts with different characteristics, and the solution to the sequence strategy problem can be used to generate tool-paths.This work was supported in part by the Project HARITIVE under Grant HAZITEK 2017 and in part by the Project ADDISEND under Grant ELKARTEK 2018 through Basque Government, and in part by the European Union Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant 822064. The work of Roberto Santana was supported in part by IT-1244-19, in part by the ELKARTEK Programmes through Basque Government, and in part by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness under Grant TIN2016-78365-R

    Sistema de encuesta para el ordenamiento del fondo documental cartográfico geológico y minero del departamento de Madre de Dios

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    El presente informe tiene como objetivo establecer una base de datos que gestione la información de la encuesta realizada por INGEMMET

    The propagation and generation of topographic oscillations in the ocean.

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Meteorology, 1971.Bibliography: leaves 194-195.Ph.D

    A existência secular cristã

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    Análisis de la planificación del talento humano a través de las pautas en la empresa AQUA Y SISTEMAS en la ciudad de Manta.

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    El presente trabajo se enfoca en el Análisis de la planificación del talento humano a través de las pautas en la empresa AQUA Y SISTEMA en la ciudad de Manta. La investigación realizada es de tipo descriptiva y el enfoque a utilizarse es mixto, es decir, tanto cualitativa como cuantitativa para obtener mejores resultados. El análisis de la planificación del talento humano a través de las pautas en la empresa AQUA Y SISTEMA le permitirá contar con una estructura consolidada basada en reglamentos y procedimientos que deben acatar los colaboradores, para así lograr un crecimiento interno óptimo que permita tomar las mejores decisiones a nivel gerencial lo que permita garantizar el cumplimiento de sus metas.The present work focuses on the Analysis of the planning of human talent through the guidelines in the company AQUA Y SISTEMA in the city of Manta. The research carried out is descriptive and the approach to be used is mixed, that is, both qualitative and quantitative to obtain better results. The analysis of the planning of human talent through the guidelines in the company AQUA Y SISTEMA will allow you to have a consolidated structure based on regulations and procedures that employees must abide by, in order to achieve optimal internal growth that allows making the best decisions. at the managerial level, which allows guaranteeing the fulfillment of its goals. Through the analysis of the results, it was concluded that the establishment of an optimal Human Talent Planning allows the measurement, control and strategic evaluation of the company AQUA Y SISTEMA, since the lack of planning and administrative management do not allow efficient compliance. and effectiveness of the goals and projects conceived by the organization. For the investigation carried out, the collaboration of the Officials responsible for the Human Talent area and other collaborators in general of the company was counted on through a survey that will allow detecting the shortcomings, with the purpose of improving and increasing the development of the human talent of the company. the company AQUA Y SISTEMA

    The synergistic effect of radiation and inhibition of SPAK/OSR1 in the reduction of cell proliferation and clonogenic potential in patient-derived GBM cells in vitro

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    Glioblastoma (GBM) is the most aggressive brain tumor in adults. Cell invasion, migration and proliferation into the heathy brain parenchyma it’s one of the most important challenges in the treatment of this deadly tumor. One potential mechanism that GBM cells can utilize to enhance cell migration and evade pro-apoptotic signals is the tight regulation of cell volume by the STE20/SPS1-Related Proline-Alanine-Rich Protein Kinase (SPAK) and (Oxidative Stress Responsive Kinase 1) OSR1 kinases. Dynamic changes in cell volume can be used by GBM cells to disseminate through the narrow perivascular spaces of the brain. In addition, cancer cells could counteract pro-apoptotic reduction of cell volume by increasing the activity of these kinases. The objective of this project is to test the efficacy of SPAK and OSR1 inhibition alone or in combination with radiotherapy. For this purpose we evaluated the impact of this novel therapy on the proliferation, clonogenicity and apoptosis of primary patient-derived GBM cells in vitro. To achieve our goal we tested a novel SPAK/OSR1 inhibitor (a small molecule called YU566) in two patient derived GBM lines. Cell proliferation and colony formation were determined after treatment using 1uM YU566 alone or in combination with radiotherapy (at different doses 2, 4 Gray (Gy)). We found that radiation and inhibition of SPAK/OSR1 could act in a synergistic fashion, decreasing cell proliferation and clonogenic potential. The next steps in our research will be to determine the mechanisms of cell death and the implications of this therapy in vivo

    Gestión del riesgo de desastres y capacidad de respuesta en la institución educativa José Abelardo Quiñones Gonzáles de Pisco

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    La actual averiguación asumió como problema general que Pisco es una zona de alto grado de vulnerabilidad frente a sismos y actualmente esta ciudad se encuentra en un nivel de Alerta Extrema a consecuencia de la COVID-19, a ello se suma otro de los peligros que está afectando con mayor frecuencia que son el virus del dengue. El objetivo fue analizar el desarrollo de la gestión del riesgo de desastres, en adelante GRD y capacidad de respuesta en el local escolar José Abelardo Quiñones Gonzáles. El enfoque de la investigación fue cualitativo. El tipo básica. El diseño fenomenológico. El método fue inductivo. El paradigma interpretativo. El estudio estuvo formado por el directivo, docentes, estudiantes y padres de familia. Los instrumentos manipulados yacieron la observación cualitativa y la entrevista. Las conclusiones que se adquirieron en el estudio yacieron que la GRD y la capacidad de respuesta son importantes en la supervivencia diaria de los miembros de la comunidad educativa, ya que permiten actuar de manera inmediata para preservar la vida tomando acciones destinadas a evitar y reducir el daño humano, material y económico en situaciones de emergencia y desastres